Friday, March 30

Sundays - Brockport, NY 1990 + Leicester, UK 1992

Hartwell Hall Ballroom
S.U.N.Y. Brockport (university) 
Brockport, N.Y.
September 23, 1990

audience recording (sound quality: VG+)

SAMPLE: "Hideous Towns" (live in Brockport, NY 1990)

The Sundays: mesmerizing the crowd in NYC
01 Can't Be Sure
02 I Won
03 I Kicked a Boy
04 A Certain Someone
05 Joy
06 What Do You Think? 
07 On Earth
08 Skin and Bones
09 Something Wrong +
10 My Finest Hour
11 Hideous Towns
12 Turkish
13 Here's Where 
     the Story Ends

SHARER'S NOTE ON TRACK 09: According to some info I found at,
"Something Wrong" was performed live from 1989 to 1992, but never released as a studio recording. The song has also been referred to in the past as "Now", "All I Ever Wanted", and "I Wish". In a recently discovered recording from a 1990 performance in Amsterdam, Harriet clearly introduces the song as "Something Wrong" (as she does here).
Leicester Polytechnic Arena
City of Leicester Polytechnic 
Leicester, UK
Dec. 3, 1992

audience recording (sound quality: VG; there's some crowd noise & vocals are a bit distant; but this one's still fine)

01 I Won
02 Can't Be Sure
03 On Earth
04 Medicine
05 My Finest Hour
06 What Do You Think?
07 More
08 Joy
09 God Made Me
10 A Certain Someone
11 Here's Where the Story Ends
12. Goodbye
13 I Kicked A Boy
14 Love
15 Turkish
16 Hideous Towns

Harriet Wheeler: the voice & face of The Sundays
ROB SEZ: Ahh — The Sundays. They were an exquisite breath of musical fresh air in the late 1980s and most of the 1990s. They had a unique-but-accessible sound with a strong pair of leaders in vocalist Harriet Wheeler and her romantic/musical partner, guitarist David Gavurin. After three albums and a clutch of popular singles, they grew weary of the pop music grind and bid farewell in order to raise a family — without dissolving the band. Fans like me harbored fleeting hopes of a return. It became more than a passing fancy a few years ago when the pair revealed they continue to write & record music in their home studio. But we'll have to keep dreaming unless (and until ?) Wheeler & Gavurin actually grace us with new music or live performances. MEGA THANKS to the tapers & sharers, especially Mike, Zeb & Tom for the 1990 recording and nashspacerocket (via darkcircleroom and TJB) for the 1992 recording. OF COURSE there's a mystery bonus share...




  1. The Sundays
    Electric Factory
    Philadelphia, PA
    Dec. 2, 1997

    audience recording (sound quality VG+)

    The music in this recording sounds great, but the crowd is loud — and just gets noisier as the show goes on. Up side: this recording puts you right there in the GA section with the other punters. Down side: the nearby punters are sometimes loud & obnoxious (usually, it’s only in between the songs)!

    shared by markit aneight — all praises to him!

    01 Can't Be Sure
    02 What Do You Think?
    03 Cry
    04 I Kicked a Boy
    05 Medicine
    06 Harriet banter 1
    07 Another Flavour
    08 When I'm Thinking About You
    09 Homeward
    10 crowd 1
    11 Monochrome
    12 My Finest Hour
    13 Goodbye
    14 crowd 2
    15 She
    16 Here's Where the Story Ends
    17 crowd 3
    18 Joy
    19 crowd 4, Harriet banter 2
    20 Summertime


  2. Great post Rob!
    Will absorb these over Easter along with Eggs!
    Much thanks to Markit for sharing.
    Happy Easter one and all!

  3. Wonderful surprise! Thanks! - Stinky

  4. Happy to make happy, as I like to say. Go find the Dream Remaster blog for many more Sundays goodies!

  5. Thanks for this. Been looking a copy of Something Wrong for ages. Peace and love :)

  6. just to say I'd heard David Baddiel say he live around the corner or two doors down or something, has been over to theirs, and he too wishes they'd reappear. Dont recall if he's heard any current work.


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