Wednesday, November 18

What's Up With This Blog??

How 'do, everyone.

If you're paying close attention, you know I've taken an unplanned hiatus from posting anything new since the end of September.

Honestly, after 8 years of doing this as a part-time labor of love, I've needed the break. Life, work, family, and unexpected things like the pandemic have all conspired to make the blog a lower priority for me in recent weeks.

So here's the deal: I do NOT plan to stop doing this altogether. I will share a new Peter Holsapple solo show upgrade soon. But I will be winding down the once-every-week posting schedule by the end of this year.

Starting in 2021, I will post if and when time allows, when there's something timely to share. By "timely to share," I mean something related to the bands & individuals who originally inspired this blog: members of The dB's, Let's Active, and artists connected to the North Carolina indie pop scene. Over time, I will upgrade MP3-only posts with lossless files, probably slowly. (In some instances, I only ever had lossy files, so those will remain as they are.)

Of course, if there's an Alex Chilton, or Big Star, or equivalent news item or post that captures my fancy, you can bet I will post it here for your reading & listening pleasure.

I plan to keep my Dropbox account for the foreseeable future. However: just in case I get hit by a bus (or COVID-19), I recommend paging through the blog to make sure you've got everything you might want to snag. God knows, if I keel over tomorrow, neither my wife nor my kids are gonna THINK about this blog hobby of mine!

Please take care, y'all. Get some sleep. Eat a salad. Hug your loved ones. Wear your masks. And keep enjoying the music.
