Rob's Pages

Saturday, June 26

Returning Soon with Cool N.Z. Music Posts

Coming Your Way:
ROIOs by New Zealand Indie Groups I Love

ROB SEZ: After a much-needed break, I will be re-booting the blog very soon with weekly posts by New Zealand artists & bands I love. Who'm I talking about? The Clean, David Kilgour, The Chills, The Verlaines, The Bats, The Great Unwashed, The 3Ds, Crowded House, The Finn Brothers, The Gordons, The Mutton Birds, Don McGlashan, 7 Worlds Collide and the great Dave Dobbyn. That's not a complete list of Kiwi music I listen to, but it pretty well covers the ones for which I have ROIOs to share.

"Why N.Z. music?" you might wonder. I fell in love with the country when I went there with my wife for a 2-week visit back in the 1980s. I love the whole vibe and feel of the place, but I don't think it receives nearly enough attention or recognition. (Let's not forget which country was the most effective in quickly kicking COVID's ass as a public health hazard...) In keeping with the "Every Cult Band Needs a Cult" ethos of the blog, it seemed right to shine a spotlight on a place with a LOT to like — especially its many wonderful indie bands.

The first post of the re-boot is coming your way in a few days, so check back here soon.


  1. Looking forward to it! As always, thank you for your sharing and your efforts! Mike

    1. Thank you kindly, binman. Hope you're having a good summer...

  2. Rob-in-Brevard - Looking forward to more New Zealand music as well. Love all of those bands that you listed. Have been fortunate enough to visit NZ twice - once in 1992 and again in 2002. Spent some time record shopping in Dunedin and felt the whole Flying Nun vibe.


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