Rob's Pages

Wednesday, June 30

Great Unwashed - N.Z. Indie Supergroup Demos + Live 1983-1984

The Great Unwashed
Demo recordings

Colombo Street
Christchurch, N.Z.

soundboard recordings (audio quality: OK)

01 Zombies at the Door
02 Instrumental
03 Instrumental
04 The Way You Should Be Now
05 Instrumental
06 (2nd take of 2nd piece)

ROB SEZ: This post kicks off a new series focusing on New Zealand ROIOs from the 1980s and 1990s. I thought the Great Unwashed would be a great way to start, since it includes members of The Clean, The Bats, and The Chills. HUGE THANKS to H.T. and Happytrader for sharing their treasures with folks like me. Watch for lots more in the coming weeks...

The Gluepot
Auckland, N.Z.
Aug. 9, 1984

audience recording (sound quality: very good)

Hamish Kilgour (left) & Pete Gutteridge (RIP), 1984

01 Toadstool Blues
02 Neck of the Woods 
03 Small Girl
04 Green Skin
05 ?
06 ?
07 ?
08 ?
09 Born In the Wrong Time
10 Middle Sized Mind
11 Feel Too Much
12 Boat With No Ocean
13 It's a Day
14 Duane Eddy
15 Can't Find Water
16 Sense of Balance



  1. Thanks! Looking forward to this NZ series. Wouldn't say no to some Look Blue Go Purple or Verlaines, by the way.

    1. Don't know anything about the first group, but I'm pretty sure I have a Verlaines ROIO or two I can share at some point...

  2. Here is Hamish's latest single. He's back in Christchurch at the moment, and IMO can do with the money so please buy.

    "The Sundae Painters are the creative collaboration between members of— The Bats, The Clean, Tall Dwarfs and Toy Love."

    Thursday nights in Lyttleton!


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