Rob's Pages

Tuesday, March 28

Chris Von Sneidern - Unreleased, Covers & Demos

Unreleased Songs, Covers & Demos
various recording locales & dates

soundboard recordings (quality range VG+ to Ex-)

01 Little Guy
02 House Horse
03 Where Is the World Tonight?
04 I Disclaim the World
05 I Could Love Her Again
06 Judy
07 Shake Some Rice
08 Want You (demo)
09 One Side In Heaven (demo)
10 Gemini (demo)
11 Open Wide (demo)
12 Dream Away (demo)
13 Somedays (demo)
14 The Ballad (demo 1)
15 The Ballad (demo 2)
16 Too Much to Do (demo)
17 She Doesn't Get Made Up (demo)
18 Watch Them Ride Away (demo)
19 Ballad of El Goodo
20 Thirteen
21 Unkind (Japan-7 Inch)
22 Without a Prayer (Japan 7-Inch)
23 Chin Ho's Lament
24 Go to Bed

ROB SEZ: My friends at the old ASH music blog helped me discover the joy of Chris Von Sneidern's music back in 2014, which prompted THIS post featuring rare and unreleased CvS tracks. Now, thanks to Don, I bring you another helping. No time to post a sample for this one, but I'm pretty sure you won't regret taking a risk on it. Do check out Chris' music if you're not already familiar with it.
This is ASH Tuesday post #60


  1. Never heard of this gentleman, but will have a good listen.
    Thanks as always for these great shares.

  2. I think most people will enjoy his excellent pop/rock music. If you get interested in the artist, there's a good documentary from a few years back called "Why Isn't Chris Von Sneidern Famous?" Here's a link to the trailer:

    And here's a brief interview with Chris about the documentary:

  3. When I first discovered indie power pop one of the first CD's I got (at the classic Disc Diggers in Somerville while playing long lunchtime hooky from the law firm) was CVS's "Open Wide". Luckily it was and is a great one and 1,000 CD's later I'm still digging.

  4. With so much lousy music, it's a real shame that genuine talents like Chris don't get the attention they deserve. (I know I don't have to tell you that, Bruce!)

  5. Thank you in advance (pulling asap)...I too am a recent discoverer of Chris, first via the great Clash cover tour in Spain with Chuck Prophet & the Spanish Bombs (with Chris playing Mick to Chuck's Joe). I then sought out a handful of releases and watched the above mentioned doc. But most recently, had the absolute pleasure of seeing Chris play with the Flaming Groovies on the current tour - do not miss this if you have the chance! He's also in a group with the (touring) drummer of the FG's, Tony Sales, son/nephew of the great Sales brothers rhythm section. They are called Ardent Sons and also great stuff, albeit in a more classic rock (i.e. The Band) style. Rock on!

    1. Cheers, jman. Thanks for the update on what CvS is up to!


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