Rob's Pages

Tuesday, March 29

Connells - B-sides Collection

'Not So Bad at All'
Comprehensive B-Sides Collection
various dates & recording info

various (soundboard, FM, etc.) - sound quality VG to Ex-

REPERCUSSION: Mitch Easter produced the Connells' acclaimed 
Boylan Heights album.

MASSIVE THANKS to Lewis Slade for compiling these, to Mick for the artwork & to Don for sharing.

ASH Tuesday post #39.

Learn more about the music of The Connells 
at the band's official site and at Wikipedia


  1. Connells are great; thanks and I've seen Crenshaw a few times

    1. Thanks for the comment, H-Man. I'd really like to see Crenshaw in person at least once! What a talent he is...

  2. Fantastic blog! I saw The Connells and The dB's at small clubs in Raleigh, and Marshall Crenshaw at McCabe's in Santa Monica. So I'm your target audience! Rock on!


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