Rob's Pages

Friday, November 12

Sneaky Feelings - Hamburg, GR 1987 (aud)

Sneaky Feelings 
Hamburg, Germany
October 12, 1987

audience recording (sound quality: VG-)

01 Husband House
02 There's a Chance 
03 Wouldn't Cry
04 It's So Easy
05 Trouble With Kay
06 Not to Take Sides
07 Now 
08 A Letter to You
09 Won't Change
10 Hard Love
11 In the Shape of a Heart
12 Waiting for Touchdown
13 Better Than Before
14 Broken Man
15 Unknown Cover Song
16 Throwing Stones
17 Discipline
18 Your Secret's Safe with Me 
19 Levin Dream
20 Coming True
21 Amnesia

ROB SEZ:  Here's a true rarity and collector's item: a complete live recording by Dunedin's Sneaky Feelings from 1987.  Sneaky Feelings trafficked in the musical collision between rock and pop typical of Flying Nun's roster, with frequently compelling results. (The band has a musical family tree connection to the Mutton Birds via drummer Ross Burge, who joined Sneaky Feelings in 1989.) This recording turned up recently, and I thought it had unrealized potential. It's an audience capture several generations off the master tape, so I applied some eq to bring up the bass and take the edge off the treble frequencies. After balancing the left & right channels, raising the levels, and adding one pass of compression, I think it's worth a listen — or two! Hearty thanks to DAP for sharing this one and gratitude to the unknown taper.


  1. At least I know 1 person out there is paying attention...

  2. Wish you would go on forever with that kiwi-stuff! Love it, thank you so much! M.

    1. I don't know about "forever," but I am not done with this series yet. This much I know!

  3. Fantastic! Many thanks!

  4. This NZ series is wonderful…….and more OWSLEY please

    1. Hello jt - thanks for the thanks. More NZ posts on the way, but I'm afraid that's all the Owsley I've got.

    2. On second thought, I might possibly have a bit more Owsley to share. I will check on that and reply here.

    3. I looked & found several Owsley live recordings and an outtake. Threw 'em into a big zip file, and just posted them for your enjoyment.

  5. Track 19 is 'Levin Dream' off their next album in 1988 'Hard Love Stories'.
    The tape is playing one semitone too fast. Husband House is in A, but this tape plays it at A#. A simple down sample from 48k to 44k will change it back to the right tone. It was probably recorded in 44 and converted in in 48. those 2 playback sample rates are 1 semitone different.

    1. Thanks for the info. I will not be modifying what I've already posted, due to several demanding work & family commitments. But this will help any blog followers who want to make their own modifications to the files.

  6. Nice to see Failsafe here. Nice to see SF here!

    I'm wondering how former bass player Kath Tyrie feels about getting royalties from the recent Sneaky Feelings CD compilation release given some of the songs on it.

  7. Don't think royalties are much of a consideration at the level these bands worked at.


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