Rob's Pages

Saturday, February 6

Blue Aeroplanes - Convent, London, UK 2016 (sbd)

The Convent
London, UK
April 29, 2016

soundboard recording (quality: Ex-)

00 intro & band entrance
01 …And Stones

02 Dead Tree! Dead Tree!

03 Elvis Festival

04 Police (38 Divinity)

05 Go Along With Me On This One 

06 Jacket Hangs

07 Oak‐Apple Day

08 Gunning the Works

09 Cardboard Box

10 Skin

11 riffing & tuning

12 My Hurricane

13 Jack Leaves - Back Spring

14 Sulphur

15 Yr Own World

16 Fun

17 band intros

18 Breakin' In My Heart (T. Verlaine)

Blue Aeroplanes: still making great music; still cool


Gerard Langley: the Jack Nicholson
of 1980s & 90s Indie Music? Discuss.

ROB SEZ: Yes, I'm still posting new material when I get the time & inspiration. Like many (I suppose), I'd nearly forgotten about the mighty Blue Aeroplanes when a blog reader commented on this recording. HUGE THANKS to Gramophone Armageddon for sharing and to blureu for pointing me to this well-performed treasure. I threw together the cover image, using a gig poster I found online. (Original source was lossy, so no FLAC set this time around.) Please enjoy.



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