Rob's Pages

Friday, January 31

Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians - 'Thoth Boys' Live Comp

'Give It to the Thoth Boys'
made-for-fans live compilation 
various venues & dates 1991-1993
soundboard recordings (quality: Ex-; recorded from the mixing desk)

01 Egyptian Cream (Tempe, AZ 1992)
02 chat about 'My Wife'
03 My Wife and My Dead Wife (Dallas 1992) 
04 Clean Steve (Dallas 1992)
05 Glass Hotel (Minneapolis 1992)
06 When I Was Dead (New York 1992)
07 City of Shame (New York 1993)
08 Only the Stones Remain (New York 1993)
09 The Live-In Years (Los Angeles 1992)
10 Globe of Frogs (San Francisco 1992)
11 Somewhere Apart (London 1991)
12 Freeze (London 1991)
13 A Day In the Life (Dallas 1992)

ROB SEZ: Anytime's a good time for a little Robyn H. — so why not late January in 2020? This collection is from a tape compilation made available exclusively to fans in 1993, with all tracks recorded by the band from the mixing board. Egyptians bassist Andy Metcalfe selected and sequenced the tracks, sold only at live shows for a time. I cannot recall my source for this, but I'm guessing it came from the mysterious & generous Dr. Forrester. He's shared a heap o’ Robyn Hitchcock goodies through the years at his excellent Just Add Cones blog, which appears to be dormant right now. Expect more RH rarities in the coming weeks...




  1. I don't think your FLAC link works

    1. Right you are ... or WERE! I just fixed the link. Please try again.

  2. Replies
    1. No problem, lucky. Thanks for pointing out the problem with the link.


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