Rob's Pages

Friday, May 10

Mutton Birds - Manchester, UK 1999 (sbd)

Band On the Wall pub 
Manchester, UK
Feb. 14, 1999
soundboard recording (quality: Ex-; source: CD rip)

ROB SEZ: Here's an "authorized bootleg" that was available exclusively from the band for a few years. AllMusic says it's a 4-star album. It's very hard to come by these days, and I thought 20 years would be a long enough wait before sharing it. I had some minor flooding in my music storage area recently, and salvaged the CD from the mess, which explains the odd stainage visible on the rear of the cardboard sleeve. My ears thought Sam Gibson's original mix had Don McGlashan's voice too low, so I added compression (one pass) to raise the volume of the vocals. Devoted Mutton Birds fans probably have this one already, but here it is for everyone else. (There's also a mystery bonus share hiding in plain sight.) Cheers & enjoy.




  1. Mutton Birds - Mean Fiddler, London, UK 1996-07-12

    audience recording (sound quality VG to VG+)

    01 Ten Feet Tall
    02 In My Room
    03 Straight To Your Head
    04 A Thing Well Made
    05 Intro
    06 Like This Train
    07 Trouble With You
    08 Wellington
    09 Inbetween Man
    10 Queens English
    11 Anchor Me
    12 Along The Boundary
    13 The Heater
    14 White Valiant (partial)

    BIG THANKS to Spence at


  2. Never heard of them Rob, so am downloading these 2 to see what i have missed (again!).
    Sorry to hear of your flooding problem, hope things are a little better now.
    Best wishes,

    1. Many of us like the Rain, Steam & Speed album. Stream it here if you like:

  3. Excellent! Appreciate you sharing the music.


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