Rob's Pages

Friday, May 31

Mutton Birds - Auckland, NZ 2012 (webstream)

King's Arms Tavern 
Auckland, New Zealand
Feb. 2012
(exact date unknown)

webstream capture (sound quality: Ex-)

01 Envy of Angels
Don & Co. played here in 2012, but the pub closed in 2018
02 Dominion Road
03 Ngaire
04 A Thing Well Made
05 Too Close to the Sun 
06 band intros
07 Queen's English
08 Nature (audience participation)
09 Anchor Me

ROB SEZ: There was ZERO response to the very cool Mutton Birds post I shared recently. What's a dedicated blogger to do? POST MORE of the same ... until there's a comment one way or the other, of course. Here’s a great hometown show from the band's very brief reunion tour in 2012. Radio New Zealand recorded and shared part of the show, for which I am grateful. I'm especially grateful RNZ did such a quality job with the recording & mixing. This sounds amazing for a webstream capture ... if I do say so myself. Please enjoy.

The Mutton Birds:
Don McGlashan – vocals, guitar, euphonium  
Alan Gregg – bass, vocals 
David Long - guitar
Ross Burge - drums 



  1. and 1 more:

    The Mutton Birds
    Shepherd's Bush Empire
    London, UK
    Oct. 27, 2012

    audience recording (sound quality: VG-)

    01 Envy of Angels
    02 Dominion Road
    03 In My Room
    04 A Thing Well Made
    05 Straight to Your Head 
    06 Trouble With You
    07 Too Close to the Sun
    08 Wellington
    09 Ngaire
    10 While You Sleep
    11 Come Around
    12 Queens English
    13 The Heater
    14 Nature
    15 pre-encore break
    16 White Valiant
    17 Along the Boundary
    18 Pulled Along By Love
    19 pre-encore break
    20 Anchor Me

    ROB SEZ: Here’s a somewhat distant-sounding recording of our heroes playing a rare live show in London on their brief reunion tour in 2012. Although a fairly typical audience recording, this is a quite enjoyable show — in large part because of the band's enthusiastic performance. I’ve added one pass of compression and slight treble reduction, which improved the sound a bit. Mega thanks to Oli Draper for the recording and to Spence at A Religion of a Kind for sharing it first on the web.


  2. OK, I'll save you. Thanks for this. I came to the Mutton Birds as a big fan of Crowded House/Split Enz/Neil Finn after reading something years ago that compared the two (rather lazily, I might add). Liked Don McGlashen's contributions to Finn's "Seven Worlds" album, and came back to them to get more recent work and finally fell for them.

    1. Saved by your comment indeed! I had a similar experience as a Crowdies fan who eventually became a fan of this band.

    2. Loved the Mutton Birds and saw two amazing gigs in London over the years - with a raucous bunch of Kiwi's!

    3. You're making me jealous, Mark!

  3. My New Zealand partner introduced me to this band way back and I've loved them ever since, seen them as often as I could when they toured the UK. Criminally underrated. But I suspect we all secretly like it that way!

    1. Indeed! Both criminally underrated and "our little secret"! That said, I do wish a few thousand more fans were in on this one...

    2. Hi Rob Our family has always loved the Mutton Birds and we were lucky enough to see them at Manchester Academy and also the wonderful recorded gig at Band On The Wall. Went to London 2012 as well It will be interesting to hear the difference in Band On The Wall with a higher vocal mix.
      Thanks and keep up the good work!, Neil

    3. Thanks for stopping by & for your comment, Neil. Enjoy...

  4. Thank you so much for this beloved band. Anchor Me hit me like a stroke wayback in 1995, cheers from Austria, Karl


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