Rob's Pages

Friday, March 22

Let's Active - Chicago & Detroit 1984

Cabaret Metro
Chicago, IL
Nov. 23, 1984
WXRT-FM broadcast
FM capture (sound quality: VG; source sounds like a multi-generation tape; this is a very listenable show, but does not boast pristine quality)
Love, LOVE this one of Faye and Mitch — at MTV Studios in NYC
ROB SEZ: I thought of calling this post "Two Shows In 96 Hours." By whatever name, it's a rare opportunity to hear our heroes in back-to-back concerts. The setlists are different enough to keep it interesting for the listener, and both shows feature strong performances by the band.

01 In Between
One of the late greats: Faye Hunter
02 Back of a Car
03 Ring True
04 Co-star
05 Crows On a Phone Line
06 Prey
07 Easy Does
08 Flags for Everything
09 Room With a View
10 Lowdown
11 Every Word Means No
12 Grey Scale
13 Blue Line
14 Waters Part
DJ intro (I always delete these, but it’s included here for the completists…)

St. Andrew's Hall
Detroit, MI
Nov. 20, 1984
audience recording (sound quality VG; some audience chatter between songs, but not overly intrusive during the music — it’s from JEMS, which means it’s the best possible source with the best available sound)

SINCERE THANKS to JEMS for taping and Mike Z for the transfer

01 Prey (cuts in)
Only slightly spooky: original lineup, 1983 tour
02 Easy Does
03 Flags For Everything
04 Room With A View
05 Lowdown
06 Every Word 
     Means No
07 Grey Scale
08 Blue Line
09 Whispered News
10 Waters Part
11 I Won't Let It ‘appen
     Agen (Slade cover)
12 Edge of the World
     (cuts out)

WAV lossless files


Mitch Easter - guitar, vocals
Faye Hunter - bass, vocals
Jay Peck - drums
Tim Lee - keyboards


  1. Could it be? Yep! It appears I do not have these shows. Thank, Rob. Lez Octive is one of the few bands I'll snag any show I can find. Without fail, there's always a solid set of core material plus a few oddball covers thrown in for good measure. Love those covers, as Mitch always makes them his own. Can't wait to hear this.Thanks again for the very cool up.

  2. p.s. "Euphoria" is a great achievement. For me, Chris is at his best playing pure power pop. He should be really pleased with this release. Everything on the album works and there's absolutely no filler. Love it! May Chris forever rock!

    1. Happy to oblige, Oxy! Yep, gotta love those covers...

      I agree about the new Chris solo alum. Just wish I had time to write a review that would do it justice..

  3. No, really. It IS Clutch Cargo. Or was.

    1. Oops. Right you are.

      I just corrected the post.


  4. Thanks so much for this upload!! I've been looking for some early Let's Active live stuff recently. It's interesting that the audience recording of the Detroit show has better sound than the "pro" Chicago show. Lol I love them both anyway. Still want to see/hear any early shows with the Mitch, Faye, Sara lineup if any exist...

    1. You're welcome, Eric. LOTS of early Let's Active here at the blog. One fer instance: the earliest-known live recording I have for the group is here:

  5. Clutch Cargo's club might be an error. A newspaper lists it as a St. Andrew's Hall gig.

  6. ...that same newspaper item also lists it as tue, 11/20, not 11/21.


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