Rob's Pages

Friday, January 11

Pylon - New Year's Eve show 2004

40 Watt Club
Athens, GA
Dec. 31, 2004

PYLON:  living large, in-charge, and reunited in 2004

Not just any New Year's Eve show, 
but a hometown gig by one of Athens, GA's finest bands.

audience recording (sound quality VG; transfer from master recording; just enough audience noise to remind you which night of the year it is...)

01 Cool
Pylon: The band & those orange safety cone thingies
02 Dub
03 Driving School
04 Volume
05 Italian Movie 
06 Fluorescence
07 Beep
08 Read a Book
09 Danger
10 Crazy
11 Gravity
12 Working Is No 
13 K
14 Feast On My Heart
15 Stop It
16 M-Train
17 Sloganistic

Too late into the new year for a New Year's eve show? Not for Pylon fans...


BIG THANKS to SS, who recorded and mastered this fine show. More HERE.

Vanessa Briscoe Hay - vocal
Randall Bewley (R.I.P.) - guitar
Michael Lachowski - bass
Curtis Crowe - drums

There's another Pylon post HERE, where you can also find links to learn more about the band, its music & its connections to The dB's 


  1. wow. this is great! thanks! excellent band!

    1. Yeah; I had a lot of fun listening while working on the post.

      BY THE WAY: if you or anyone else snatched the first version with a defective Track 13, delete that and download again. I repaired that track and re-uploaded a new set...

  2. Thank you soooo much for this! And love the amazingly long-lived links. Your blog rocks.


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