Rob's Pages

Friday, September 28

dB's - Cat's Cradle, Chapel Hill, NC 1981

The dB's
Cat's Cradle
Chapel Hill, NC
Oct. 24, 1981

audience recording

BIG THANKS to the taper and glenn s for the share!

Special highlight: The Valleydale Meats jingle. If you like that one, you'll enjoy the live version of that B&G Pies ad in an upcoming post...

Chapel Hill? Carrboro? 
Folks who actually live there don't know where one ends & the other begins... 

Cat's Cradle interior (Ryan Russell photo)

ROB SEZ: One of the rarer early shows available to enjoy — and enjoy is the word, since this is a nice-sounding recording with terrific performances, several covers, and a generous selection of songs from Repercussion — some of which are not available on other live recordings.

01 (I Thought) You Wanted to Know
02 Bad Reputation
03 Dynamite        
04 Soul Kiss
05 Big Brown Eyes
06 I Feel Good (Today)
07 pH Factor
08 Ups and Downs
09 Storm Warning
10 The Fight
11 Excitement
12 Black and White
13 Big Time
14 Judy

01 Tomorrow Never Knows (The Beatles)
02 The Summer Sun
03 The Summer Sun (coda)
04 I Walked with a Zombie (Roky Erikson)
05 Ask for Jill
06 Nothing Is Wrong
07 In Spain
08 We Were Happy There
09 Happenstance
10 Neverland
11 Sweet Home Alabama (tease - Lynyrd Skynyrd)
12 If and When
13 Time Has Come Today (Chamber Brothers)
14 On the Brink (Sneakers)
15 Valleydale jingle
16 Ninety-Six Tears (? & The Mysterians; end cut/fade)

Disc 2
The dB's:
Chris Stamey
Will Rigby
Gene Holder
Peter Holsapple



  1. this is great , tomorrow never knowns is super, greetings from the netherlands, Alie

  2. Glad you like it. Yes, that's an awesome version of the ol' Beatles tune. Peter seemed to enjoy using his Ace Tone keyboard to get that "bird" effect...

  3. Given the Cat's Cradle location, I am wondering if you or any of your online friends have any rarities by the Mayflies USA. A great, great band.

    Just found your site through Willfully Obscure. Very nice.


    Ace K.

  4. Thanks for the reply. I know that at one time on the Mayflies USA website there was a link to a live in studio show on a radio station (I think in N.C.). I foolishly did not download it, naiively believing at the time that it would never go away.

    Enjoying the db's. I can't wait (well, I guess I will have to wait!) for the new record. I really, really liked the first Stamey-Holsapple album.

    Ace K.

    1. So I checked out Mayflies USA. No wonder you're looking for more stuff from 'em -- they're great. Too bad they're not making music anymore...

    2. Yes, the Mayflies USA were great! My wife and I were big fans, but always found out about them playing in the Boston/Cambridge area only after they left here. We finally got to see them play a great opening set (and also enjoyed chatting with them afterwards), but not long after that the band broke up.

      I've attempted to keep up with subsequent activities. I know that one of the "Matt's" in the group has sometimes played with Chris Stamey and was part of one of the first Big Star's Third live shows.

      Great site.


    3. Ace - I may have found a source for a few Mayflies live shows. Try to be patient, though. I've got a lot of irons in the fire just now, with the blog, work, and family. But I'll cross my fingers and say that I hope by the end of 2012 I will be able to post something...

  5. If this is the show I attended, I'll be happy to hear what I missed - I had to leave after "Tomorrow Never Knows" which was worth the ticket price alone. A phenomenal cover of that song if there ever was one. One point - the Cat's Cradle in 1981 was located in Chapel Hill just down the road on W Rosemary St. behind Tijuana Fats (now gone). There have been at least three previous locations of "The Cradle" since its present location in Carrboro. Around the mid-eighties it moved to W. Franklin St. (still Chapel Hill), only a few blocks away from where it is now (the "border" runs through one of those blocks). I saw the dB's during the "Like This" era at the Franklin St. Cradle and at the Brewery in Raleigh at the time "The Sound Of Music" was released. I've only seen Chris Stamey at the Carrboro location.

    1. Welcome cudawaver & thanks for sharing your info & memories (3 different locations?? talk about perseverance...)

      I'm guessing this was the same show, 'cuz that's one helluva version of TNK!

  6. Just finished listening and yes I'm sure this was the show. The Valleydale jingle was a real hoot. I remember "If And When" was usually played towards the end if not part of the encore set. That's probably my most favorite of Stamey's songs. That one always got the crowd going. This is an excellent recording too, probably due to the modest size and good acoustics of Cradle at that time.

    I'm glad I found your site (by way of your comment at Old Fat Flacs). Thanks so much for making this available. It's great to be able to hear what I missed 30 years ago. I'll be sure to visit often.

  7. so you're the plastic palace people guy!
    what a cool blog. thanks a lot for your comments here...

  8. I had only heard a few songs from this show. Wow, I can't believe that I can now hear the entire thing!

  9. Let me just say that "I Feel Good" rocks harder than I've ever heard it before - superb!!!

    1. You'll be happy to hear there's a significant upgrade coming soon to the blog for this very show!

  10. "Chapel Hill? Carrboro?
    Folks who actually live there don't know where one ends & the other begins... " Oh yes, we most certainly do!

    1. Err ... it was meant to be taken humorously, not literally.

    2. Yes, I do know that. It was mock indignation, a Carrboro specialty.

  11. many thanks.i bought all those early singles on the car label,never thought i'd hear them live wondeful---and the b sides too !


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