Rob's Pages

Friday, July 27

Let's Active - The Ritz, NYC 1985

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ROB SEZ: This & a few other early Let's Active posts look weird because I was trying to figure out a non-HTML work around for the take-down notices automatically generated by certain record company 'bots. My fingers are crossed, but I'm guessing the take-downs won't be a problem going forward.


  1. Thanks so much for posting this. Any and all Mitch Easter performances are meant to be treasured and savored. He's a genius!

  2. Well, I wasn't at this one, but I did manage to catch Let's Active, Rain Parade, and Winter Hours the following year at the Ritz, and what a show it was! An unbeatable triple bill, in retrospect. The show had to run at least three hours if memory serves. It was just a giant hootenanny and non-uptight party.

    I recall Let's Active did a goofball cover of Deep Purple's Hush, at the end, and threw whipped cream pies at each other too. Rain Parade I didn't really know at the time but they played a hypnotic set that won me over, especially memorable was their current single then, "No Easy Way Down," a trance-paisley rock classic for all time.

    And Winter Hours was really my primary reason for being there, to be honest: I finally got to see some new musical heroes of mine lay it down live and they made the very most of a short opening set. Sadly what happened to them later shouldn't happen to a dog. Someone I attended with couldn't stay for the whole thing but I stayed on to the bitter end, and I was damned glad I did. I lost a lot of sleep that weekend but it was well worth it. And yes "Whispered News" and "Last Chance Town" kicked major butt! I also must give credit to WNYU FM, WFMU FM, and WFDU Teaneck FM radio in those days for turning me on to Let's Active and Winter Hours and probably Rain Parade as well, also of course the dBS and the various fanzines (the Bob, BoBrains, etc.) and mags. then that covered indie jangle etc. rock, Green on Red, you name it.

    1. Hello Unknown,

      I think we have the show you describe here at the blog. Check this out:

      Thanks for telling your story. Sounds like it was an amazing night...


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