Rob's Pages

Tuesday, May 15

Felt - Bristol, UK 1986 + Spanish TV 1985

Tropic Club
Bristol, UK
April 24, 1986

audience recording (sound quality: VG; although the sound is quite good, there’s too much intrusive audience chatter near the taper for my liking — but it’s one of the few full-set Felt recordings around)
01 Spanish House
The mysterious Lawrence, bathed in purple majesty...
02 The Day the Rain Came Down
03 Roman Litter
04 Fortune
05 Penelope Tree
06 Ballad of the Band
07 Sunlight Bathed the Golden Glow 
08 Primitive Painters
09 Outdoor Miner
10 Caspian Sea
11 Penelope Tree (reprise)
Live On Spanish TV
venue + city unknown
1985 (exact date unknown)
TV audio recording (sound quality: VG-; the vocals & instrumental sounds are clear enough, but rather tinny — perhaps the taper put his/her device in front of the TV to make the recording?)
12 Roman Litter
13 Ballad of the Band
14 The Stagnant Pool
15 Cathedral
16 Sunlight Bathed the Golden Glow 
17 Whirlpool Vision of Shame
*18 Mexican Bandits
*bonus track = Camden, UK 1987-04-23 (aud - unknown venue)

ROB SEZ: Here's one final post to wrap up the Felt series. HUGE THANKS to whatdoidonow, TMATMATMA and tsukko3 for sharing. One of the other posts sported some hidden bonus material. Did you find the buried treasure? Please enjoy.



  1. Great share Rob, thanks for all the Felt.

  2. Brings me back - loved Felt (first discovered in the '90s when I was into *Josh Clayton-Felt.*)


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