Rob's Pages

Tuesday, January 23

Maria McKee - Dublin 2017

Temple Bar Trad Fest 
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Dublin, Ireland
Jan. 27, 2017

solo performance on guitar & piano
with guests Denis Roche & Jude
audience recording (sound quality: VG+; there's the expected reverb from the cathedral's natural acoustics; that said, it sounds excellent)

Maria plays TradFest in Dublin, 2017
above photo by retiredmartin, below by V. Lennon 
00 intro
01 Shelter from the Storm
02 Am I the Only One?
03 talk
04 A Good Heart
05 talk
06 You Are the Light
07 talk
08 If Love Is a Red Dress Hang Me In Rags 
09 talk
10 High Dive
11 Wheels
12 Breathe
13 talk
14 Has He Got a Friend for Me?
15 talk
16 Show Me Heaven
17 talk
18 In Your Constellation
19 Absolutely Barking Stars
20 encore applause
21 talk
22 Life Is Sweet

ROB SEZ: There aren't many recent MM solo shows available, so I thought I'd share this one with you. In his review, Paul McGee called McKee's performance a "tour de force ... with a disarming charm that [kept] everybody completely present in the moment." For a 50-something vocalist, McKee's tone and vocal technique are stunning. Trusting the taper did his level best with the available acoustics, I found the results too trebly. So I eq’d the tracks in Audacity to improve what sounded to me like an overly shrill top end. I think it’s easier on the ears now ... at least my ears! Enjoy.
BIG WHOPPIN’ THANKS to jonnyfox for sharing



1 comment:

  1. Here’s the only Maria McKee boot I’ve heard that includes live renditions of music composed for soundtracks for husband (and bassist) Jim Akin’s films:

    Maria McKee
    Egyptian Theatre
    Hollywood, CA
    May 8, 2015

    audience recording (sound quality: VG+)

    taper: markp, shared by: persic - MANY THANKS to them!

    01 intro
    02 Life Is Sweet
    03 Surf Suit
    04 Shelter
    05 In the Long Run
    06 Here I Come (w/ Moriah Blonna)
    07 Fish Sticks! (w/ Moriah Blonna & Kimia Samandi)
    08 I Am Not You (w/Moriah Blonna & Kimia Samandi)
    09 Mustache
    10 If Love Is a Red Dress Hang Me In Rags
    11 I'm Here
    12 My Little Fish
    13 Letting It Hang Out
    14 Save Me
    15 One True Love

    Maria McKee - vocals, guitar, keyboard
    Jim Akin - bass
    Tom Dunne - drums
    Jerry Andrews - guitar, vocals
    Susan Otten - background vocals




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