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Friday, October 6

Tenement + Amos Pitsch - Live 2016 + Odds & Sods

Oulu, Finland
July 8, 2016

soundboard recording (quality: VG+)

SAMPLE: "Dull Joy" (Finland 2016)

01 Crop Circle Nation
02 Dull Joy
03 Near You
04 Rock Eating People
05 The Pleasure We Get
     (In Scratching an Itch)
06 Blammo
07 Cage That Keeps You In
08 Lost Love Star Lust
09 Dreaming Out Loud
10 Garden of Secrecy
11 Earwig
12 Feral Cat Tribe
13 (Messy Endings) In 

     Middle America
14 Spit In the Wind
15 Encore

Recorded & mixed by Lauri Manner; kindly shared by Crutch of Memory

Tenement & Amos Pitsch
Odds & Sods
covers, demos, live tracks
soundboard recordings (quality range: VG+ to Ex-)

SAMPLE: "Black Coffee In Bed" (Squeeze cover by Amos Pitsch)

01 Help Me Somebody (NRBQ)
02 Black Coffee In Bed (Squeeze)
03 Sympathy for the Devil (Rolling Stones) 
04 Melting Waxx (demo)
05 Hour Glass Bones (demo)
06 Dying Leaves (demo)
07 Feral Cat Tribe (live)
08 Pleasure We Get In 
     Scratching an Itch (live)
09 Rain In Mind (non-album track)
10 Weakest Ones (demo)
11 Shift Toward Tenderness (demo)

(most info & comments by Amos Pitsch):
Eyes Wide Open: Amos Pitsch & Co. are the amazing Tenement
01 = Amos Pitsch with the Wilde Stranger on drums, tam, and backup vocals. Written by Al Anderson.
02 = Written by Squeeze, performed by Amos Pitsch for birthday boy Perry Shall.
03 (no info provided)
04 = Amos Pitsch demo, circa 2012. Tim Schweiger on drums. 
05 = Unreleased Tenement demo, written by Amos Pitsch.
06 = Unreleased song intended for use on the unfinished 2nd Technicolor Teeth LP. Written by Amos Pitsch.
07 = Live in the Tap Milwaukee Studio Nov. 2, 2015 for the Milwaukee Journal.
08 = Live on CJSW radio, "Disturb the Universe" show, June 2015.
09 = Featured on Not Normal's Welcome to 2013 LP compilation. Non-album track.
10 = Tenement demo, 2013 - originally released on Skeletal Lightning's Charity Cassette Compilation, Vol. One. 
Written by Amos Pitsch.
11 = Written, performed, recorded, and mixed by Amos Pitsch on eight-track machine at Crutch of Memory in Appleton, WI.

ROB SEZ: Find out why indie music fans in Wisconsin & environs have been raving about Tenement, the band fronted by Amos Pitsch, for a decade. Think Hüsker Dü or Minutemen: pop-hearted music with punk (at times even hardcore) guitar fervor, fronted by a guy with ragged-but-right vocals. The Odds & Sods comp shows off Pitsch's pop & country leanings. BIG THANKS to Amos & a few other generous souls for sharing these tracks. Snag a FREE 5-song live set by Tenement HERE at Bandcamp. Speaking of Bandcamp, don't you want to hear & buy the complete Predatory Headlights Demos in lossless-quality? If so, you'll need to go HERE.


Learn more about Tenement's music at AllMusic, Wikipedia & the band's FB page. Bandcamp site is here.

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