Rob's Pages

Tuesday, July 18

Paul Collins' Beat - San Rafael 1987 (FM)

New George's
San Rafael, CA
KRQR-FM broadcast
Dec. 9, 1987

FM recording (sound quality VG++)

ROB SEZ: Not entirely sure of my source for this, but I'm guessing it's from someone at the old ASH blog (R.I.P.) This is an excellent performance from Paul Collins' Beat, in excellent sound quality. Even if you're not a big fan of power pop, this one's worth a listen. There's a good reason he's called the King of Power Pop... 

ASH Tuesday post #69


  1. Saw Mr. Collins in concert late in his career.

  2. Was that the era when he was having voice trouble, or did he sound OK when you saw him? For my next post, I have to ignore a lot of live material from the 2010s because his voice did not sound great...


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