Rob's Pages

Friday, February 3

Orchids - Athens, Greece 2016 + London 1991

Tiki Bar
Athens, Greece 
Oct. 30, 2016

audience recording (sound quality VG; taper was at a distance from the rabble, minimizing crowd noise; audio rip from video)

SAMPLE: "Something for the Longing" (live 2016)

01 She's My Girl
02 Obsession #1
03 It's Only Obvious
04 Something's Going On
05 Apologies
06 Curious Heart
07 Tiny Words
08 Another Saturday Night
09 What Will We Do Next
10 Hey! Sometimes
11 A Kind of Eden
12 Peaches
13 Something for the Longing
14 Coloured Stone
15 Bemused, Confused & Bedraggled 
16 pre-encore applause, tuning
17 The Sadness of Sex (Part 1)

Camden Underground
London, UK
May 26, 1991

The Orchids: when we wuz fab
(OK, I guess they're still pretty fab...)
soundboard recording (quality VG+; sounds like a second-generation source tape)

01 Caveman
02 Something for the Longing
03 Peaches
04 Tiny Words
05 You Know I'm Fine
06 The Sadness of Sex (Part 1)
07 Frank DeSalvo
08 Sigh
09 Bemused, Confused 
     & Bedraggled 
10 pre-encore applause
11 Dirty Clothing
12 Me and the Black 
     and White Dream*

*Track 12 = Rough Trade Shop, London, UK 1991-05-18 (audience rec.; quality VG-)

ROB SEZ: You know a band is well loved when, 20+ years after their prime, someone buys their plane tickets to play at a modest size bar in Greece! Can't you just hear the guys pondering whether they should go? "Hmmm: should we spend a weekend in late October in Athens, or stay here in Scotland? Give us a minute..." Cheers to Bill Pos for recording and sharing the 2016 show, and special thanks to my friend & fellow Orchids fan EdA for supplying the 1991 set. If you glance at the Orchids' FB & Twitter posts from 2016, the guys appear to be recording material for a new album — but they don't seem to be in a big hurry. There are more Orchids goodies around here; just use the Labels tags at the bottom of the post or Artists/Groups index at the right-hand side of the blog to find 'em.


  1. Thanks for more Orchids!

    And congrats on your 5 year anniversary....that is quite an achievement. I don't know how you do it.

    1. Five-year anniversary? Oh yeah, I guess it is!

      Thanks, lucky.

    2. I don't know why but I can't download from dropbox, I can access the site, I press on download but nothing happens. I tried to copy the file to my own dropbox account and nothing, same result. Could it be possible to upload this to Google Drive or somewhere else? I'd really love to listen to this, the sample sounds great.

    3. So sorry to hear about your trouble with the link.

      I just re-tested it and it worked fine for me.

      I recommend you try it one more time: there's often a few moments before the download begins. Also, you might copy the link, open a different kind of browser, and see if it works for you in Explorer, Safari, Chrome or Firefox.

      Good luck!

  2. thanks for the nice words, always a pleasure and the Tiki bar is a special venue, john

    1. Thanks for chiming in, john! Put me on the list of fans looking forward to the next album...


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