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Friday, January 13

Dave Dobbyn - Revolver Studio 1994 + Best Live Comp

Live TV special
Revolver Studio
Auckland, New Zealand 
November 1994

web stream, audio rip from master video source (sound quality Ex-)

Dave Dobbyn: find out why DD is a living legend in his native New Zealand

It's good to have friends like Neil & Tim Finn 
to promote your music.
01 Bell Tower
02 Don't Hold Your Breath
03 Language
04 Loyal
05 Naked Flame (with Emma Paki) 
06 Lap of the Gods
07 It Dawned On Me
08 Rain On Fire
09 Whaling
10 Protection
11 P.C.
12 I Can't Change My Name

Dave Dobbyn - guitar, 
                keyboard, vocals
Dave Gent - bass
Jay Foulkes - percussion
Joel Winton - drums

special guests:
Neil Finn - guitar, keyboard, vocals 
Tim Finn - vocals, guitar, shaker
Emma Paki - vocals

WANT A SAMPLE? Play this 3-song video...

ROB SEZ: I was amazed & pleased to find a master video source to snag this, my all-time favorite ROIO for New Zealander Dave Dobbyn. Don't know Dave? Suffice it to say he's a living legend in New Zealand & Australia, for good reason. The guy has a soulful voice, high-quality song writing chops, a great sense of humor ("P.C." indeed!), and knows when to get loud & when to keep it dialed back. This set comes from a live TV special featuring Tim & Neil Finn, who produced Dave's then-current album Twist. The big promotional push that accompanied the album didn't really work to get Dave known beyond Australasia. But some Crowded House & Finn Brothers fans like me were paying attention back in the 1990s, and we caught the bug. I still play Dave's 1998 album The Islander — a perennial Top 10 Album for me. Dave is making some great music this many years later, evidenced by the more recent tracks in the live radio & TV comp below...

Think of Dave Dobbyn as New Zealand's musical Yoda
Dave Dobbyn
Best Radio & TV Sessions
1999 to 2015
various locales

FM, soundboard & web stream sources (sound quality range VG+ to Ex-)

01 Blind Man's Bend (live on P.A. Radio)
02 Loyal (love songs documentary)
03 Tell the World (live on Radio NZ 2015)
04 Angelina (live on Radio NZ 2015)
05 Kingdom Come (live on 
      Radio NZ 2015)
06 Whaling (live on Radio NZ 2015)
07 Welcome Home (live on National Anthem)
08 Beside You (live on National Anthem)
Here is your clue re: the mystery bonus set
09 Mobile Home (live on NZ One)
10 Lap of the Gods (live at 
       Roundhead 2007) 
11 Waiting (live on NZ G4)
12 Pour the Wine (live 2005)
13 Whaling (live on Rockwiz)
14 Welcome Home (live on Waitangi 
       Day with Emma Paki) 
15 mystery bonus track

Learn more about the music of Dave Dobbyn at his official site, Wikipedia and AllMusic


  1. What's better than one New Zealand musical legend? How about TWO!

    Dave Dobbyn & Don McGlashan - Holy Trinity Church, Auckland, N.Z. Sept. 28, 2013 (FM)

    Radio NZ National Music

    In September 2013, beloved New Zealand singer-songwriters Dave Dobbyn and Don McGlashan set out on their nationwide Acoustic Church Tour. Radio New Zealand engineer Andre Upston captured their acoustic performance at Auckland’s Holy Trinity Church.
    Beside You

    Queen of the Night

    It Dawned on Me

    White Valiant
    Song of the Years

    While You Sleep

    Kingdom Come

    Toy Factory Fire


    Anchor Me


    Dominion Road

    Welcome Home

    TT: 1 hr. 19 mins.


  2. When I loaded this into iTunes there was an extra track by Cotton Mather called "My Before And After" in the folder. A great track so no complaints from me. I'll have to check them out.

  3. No kidding! That is a great song, but I have no idea how that track got there...


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