Rob's Pages

Wednesday, June 8

Tricky Problem with Music Samples

In case anyone out there is wondering:
Google is degrading the ability of all Google sites (including Blogger) to interact with any and all Flash-related code. Unfortunately, this includes the gadget I've been using to add samples to a lot of the posts on the blog.
For now, my Chrome browser seems to go back & forth: one day the sample player appears & plays music; then after a day or two, it disappears.
I checked Safari, and the gadget seems to work fine there. Firefox? I couldn't even get the thing to work at all on my Mac. Not sure about any other browsers.
This is not the first time I've had probs with Blogger and getting a music player to work. I'll see what I can do to fix it, but it's very tedious to re-load and re-boot all the samples for every post. If it comes to that, I might just have to quit fooling with samples altogether.
We'll see... 

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