Rob's Pages

Friday, November 8

100,000 hits! Congrats to the blog and its readers

100,000 hits and counting

You could say 100,000 is just a number. Yet it's a number that means something to me. It means there's enough interest in what the blog is about to keep the readership alive, even after The dB's public profile has dropped this many months after the new album and tour.

BIG-TIME THANKS to all who read and support the blog. More great music and other interesting stuff will appear here every Friday.

Please keep up your end of the bargain: stop by, read a post or two, download & enjoy some music, click a few links, POST A BRIEF COMMENT (hint). And I'll do my level best on mine.

Oh, yeah. One more thing:
 the blog's been ad-free ever since I started it, 
and that's not gonna change.

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