Rob's Pages

Friday, April 5

The Mutton Birds - 2012 Radio Sessions

Wellington, NZ & London, UK
Radio Sessions
January & October 2012

FM recordings (sound quality Ex-; excellent FM captures with only a handful of very minor glitches)

BIG KIWI THANKS to Spence and his collaborators at for sharing these (and a lot of other great stuff for fans of Mutton Birds, et al). Check out Spence's site if you like what you hear.

ROB SEZ: The Mutton Birds are one of the all-time great, but nearly unknown, alt-pop groups on the face of the planet. In fact, I’ll make a second bold claim: if you like even a few of the artists featured at this blog, chances are very good you will be delighted to discover The Mutton Birds. The New Zealand-based group made a courageous go of it in the 1990s before disbanding in 2002. Fans like me were thrilled to hear they recently reformed to play some live shows and issue a great live album (Free Range, released in 2012).

On a recent long car ride filled with Mutton Birds listening, my teenage daughter said to me (as we puzzled over the group’s relative lack of success), “It must’ve been their name, Dad, ‘cuz their music is amazing.”

01 Dominion Road
02 Anchor Me
03 While You Sleep
04 Dominion Road
05 While You Sleep
06 A Thing Well Made
07 Envy of Angels
08 Friday I'm In Love (Cure cover)

Tracks 1-3 = New Zealand National Radio, 2012-01-27
Tracks 4-6, BBC 6Music, Gideon Coe, 2012-10-25
Tracks 7-8 = BBC Radio 2, Dermot O'Leary, 2012-10-27

The Mutton Birds:
Alan Gregg – bass, vocals 
David Long - guitar
Ross Burge - drums 
Don McGlashan – vocals, guitar, euphonium 

(new link - 2017)

Explore the music of The Mutton Birds 


  1. I was tipped to The Mutton Birds by the enthusiastic writing of Jack Rabid of The Big Takeover mag. The best of their recordings (for example, A Thing Well Made, Dominion Road, and While You Sleep) are among the best songs I have ever heard! No exaggeration.

    Thank you.

    Ace K.

  2. Glad to meet another fan, Ace. Let's keep talkin' about these guys until others make the same discovery; they're such a find...

  3. Would love to hear these Mutton Birds tracks if you can re-up when you have time. Thanks.

  4. I'm impressed, this is a great set of songs and the audio quality is excellent as well.

    1. Please enjoy, Ed. I think the Mutton Birds are one of the truly great "undiscovered" bands.


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