Rob's Pages

Friday, October 19

Mitch Easter - Wear & Tear (Best of the Demos)

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  1. Coupla things you might want to know about this post: 1) I chose what I think are the best, rarest demos from Mitch -- and I purposely stayed away from a whole host of his demos that are very close in sound to the released master takes; 2) The sound quality on a couple of the 1986 demos is not great, but they are the exceptions; 3) STAY WITH THESE until you get to the rare demos from 1990-92 -- I think they are outstanding! 4) The pseudonyms for Mitch and L.A. are necessary because I had a takedown notice and deletion by Blogger because someone (presumably EMI-Universal) insisted I had violated their rights (which Mitch himself thought was ridiculous, since the post had no commercially-released material); 5) #4 explains why the Mitch & L.A. posts look so "odd" -- because I am not using (searchable) HTML texts; 6) Finally, if you got this far, you deserve to know what the mystery track is: "Safety In Numbers [Let's Talk About Us]" (demo 1981); CONGRATULATIONS!

  2. Can't explain why it took me so long to focus on this, but nice digging work Rob, esp on the back half

    1. Thanks. It was pretty fun to do (as I vaguely recall...)



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