Rob's Pages

Friday, September 14

Blog Update - What's Happening Now & Later

Hey Gang,

Here's a quick update on what's been happening, what plans I have for the blog, and a plea for comments:
  • I received my first take-down notice (and subsequent deletion by Blogger) for alleged copyright violation for a particular post -- a post that at least one of you noticed isn't on the blog anymore. The copyright violation claim is pretty ridiculous, since I had the artist's permission to post the show, which had never been commercially released in any form. I don't want to call undue attention to the show in question or the band, but suffice it to say you can now find the same material re-posted. It's re-posted with a pseudonymous band name in the blog post title and a "different" look since I can't post it in HTML (which would allow the big music companies to search it with copyright-violation-seeking automated 'bots). We'll see what happens next... But if there's another take-down by Blogger after another alleged violation of copyright, I will have no choice but to stop posting that particular band's material. And if that happens, IT'S REALLY TOO BAD FOR ALL OF US!
  • I plan to continue to post dB's (& dB's-related) material regularly, but I also want to continue the "dB's-affiliated" stuff, such as the upcoming post of a live show by the New Zealand band The Chills (who asked Peter to collaborate on their album Soft Bomb, that was released in 1992). Judging by stats from the blog and file server, this type of post isn't as popular as dB's material. That being said, these posts were one of my big motivations for starting the blog in the first place and naming it "Repercussion". My hope is that regular readers of the blog will be a little more adventurous and try some of the artists and groups they don't know as well as The dB's. If you do, please leave a comment so I can figure out what's turned you on, off, etc.
  • SPEAKING OF COMMENTS: I don't want to sound whiney, but I will just mention that one of the few joys most of us bloggers get in exchange for our efforts is any feedback we receive from readers (even constructive criticism). SO: please take a few seconds to leave a comment when something strikes your musical fancy.  
Let's all keep enjoying 
this great time to be dB's fans!


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